
Webster Drilling is a global leader in delivering seismic drilling solutions with over 1.7 million metres of loaded shotholes completed so far.

sonichelicopterWe design, build and operate a custom fleet of heliportable rigs (HPP-150) and small tractor mounted rigs (TM-150, 175 and 200) that are designed for ease and safe use. Larger truck and sonic rigs compliment the fleet.


Minimising environmental impact has been a focus of the design process. The latest model HPP-150 requires minimal dig out and foliage clearing. The TM rigs have very low impact on rolling farmland.

A fleet of SD-100 heliportable sonic rigs were developed especially for seismic work on Barrow Island, Western Australia, which is a Class A Nature Reserve, to minimise the environmental impact on a unique ecosystem.


Various drilling systems are available: rotary mud, rotary air, down hole hammers, auger.
